The series of events within the Sibiu Opera Festival continued on Saturday evening, 12 September 2020, with a new Opera Gala. Teodora Gheorghiu took the stage alongside the Sibiu Philharmonic Orchestra.
The program of the Opera Gala scheduled in the main square of Sibiu – Piața Mare – included compositions signed by L. Van Beethoven, W.A. Mozart, G. Bizet, F. Lehar, Th. Rogalski, G. Grigoriu and G.F. Handel.
The musicians from Sibiu were led by Adrian Morar. Currently the conductor of the Romanian National Opera in Cluj-Napoca where he also held the position of artistic director between 2013-2017, Adrian Morar collaborates with operas in Timisoara, Iasi, Brasov, Constanta, Craiova, Belgrade and Bucharest, where he also hold the position of artistic director between 2006-2007.
You can see below a video from the Opera Gala, courtesy of the YouTube channel of the State Philarmonics Sibiu.